A Few Notes on This Website

by - 4:59 PM

I know, it's a tad bit late for this. However, I'd still like to get as many questions about the blog itself answered.
First off! This blog is not called "Carolina". I've actually titled it "A Thousand Worlds", which is much cooler and nicer than "Carolina". However, the title came with the template and I don't know how to get rid of it. The template is nice, though, and I've managed to work out everything else about how it looks.
The nonfiction book I'm reading is Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City by Matthew Desmond. Image result for evicted poverty and profit in the american city
Absolutely gorgeous and full of amazing tales of amazing people. It does have a lot of landlord mumbo-jumbo in it that I don't understand because I'm stubborn and refuse to Google (as seen in my first blog post).

The fiction book I'm reading is Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.
Image result for brave new world book
Love this book too, though it's a bit sad for my empathetic self. I get upset about all of the moral dilemmas, and there are a lot of moral dilemmas. I highly recommend it though!
I look forward to going through this reading adventure with you!


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